Ambience @ Shirpur

Shirpur is situated 52 Kms from Dhule on the Mumbai-Agra highway (NH-3). As you enter the city, you are greeted by well constructed roads and excellent street lights. There are some exquisite places in Shirpur which are naturally mesmerizing and some splendid constructions that present a visual treat to the eyes from an architectural point of view.
safest places in India for women

The city is known for its amazing synthesis of traditional values and contemporary trends. The inhabitants of Shirpur are inherently cultural and celebrate all the festivals with an equal zest and favour. But they are also out rightly pragmatic and receptive to modern developmental issues. There is literally a visible sense of harmony and brotherhood among the people making it one of the safest places in India especially for women. You would not get to hear of any communal disharmony or even a petty antisocial activity which are regular occurrences in bigger cities. When it comes to basic amenities, Shirpur is second to none in the country. Which other city can boast of a surplus supply of ultra-purified drinking water even in the driest period of the year !
Balaji temple

Students can avail prompt and excellent medical services from the Indira Memorial Hospital run by the Municipality. It houses all the modern equipments and specialized doctors and also frequently visiting surgeons from established hospitals to attend specific ailments. For religious devotees, the Balaji temple is the best place to be in. The temple is built as a replica of the original Tirupathi Balaji temple and follows the same rituals and customs followed there.
Pollution Free Environment

Shirpur is a students' paradise with an absolutely pollution free environment and an energetic ambience conducive to learning. After the grilling sessions of academic schedules, the students can unwind themselves in the newly constructed Mukeshbhai Patel Recreation Garden basking by the warmth of the setting sun rays and boating in the refreshingly cool lake and also enjoy the solitude of the serene atmosphere in the vicinity. The park is also adorned with green bushes, fragrant flowers, a delicate lawn and scintillating fountains.
Landmarks Of Shirpur

One of the most fascinating landmarks of Shirpur is Asia 's largest gold refinery. The Shirpur Gold Refinery is a state-of-the-art refinery occupying a 50 acre complex set up at a cost of 250 crores. It is among the most advanced in the world and also owns its own airport with 24 hour landing facility.
International Level Play Ground

A fully functional international level play ground for Cricket, Football, Tennis, Volleyball, etc. is available to students. The playground is maintained throughout the year and made available to students at any time.